Take a Class!

Bicycle Friendly Driver

1 HR

The Bicycle Friendly Driver program is a 1 hour online self-paced class, aimed at educating drivers on the best practices to share the road with people on bicycles.

Topics include:

  • What’s legal and not legal, for both motorists and bicyclists
  • Common crashes and how to avoid them
  • Why bicyclists “take the lane” and what motorists should do in response
  • How to navigate bicycle related infrastructure such as: sharrows, bike boxes, and green lanes.

Upon successful completion of the class, participants will receive a Bicycle Friendly Driver certificate.

“This material was developed through a project funded by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning and the U.S. Department of Transportation.”

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety for Law Enforcement

3 Hrs

Topics include:

  • Laws related to bicycle and pedestrian use of the roadways.
  • Laws related to motor vehicles while interacting with bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Common crashes involving cyclists and motor vehicles and why they occur.
  • New approaches to traffic safety through data and equity, empathy, and ethics in transportation.

Upon completion officers will receive MCOLES credit.

“This material was developed through a project funded by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning and the U.S. Department of Transportation.”

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